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The Garden

Our home and garden are situated within 5 acres of woodland on the Key Peninsula. Over a half-mile of paths and trails have been carved out to intersect and connect different areas of the forest garden. The gardens closest to the house are the most ornamentally planted. The variation of terrain brought about the need for several areas of dry stacked stone walls. As you venture out you will find areas reclaimed from berry brambles that are awaiting further inspiration. A garden created and maintained by an army of one, persistence is the key word. Features incorporated within the forest garden include a dry river bed, a retreat garden, shaded paths and pocket vistas.  A Celtic Spiral inspired labyrinth path. Created as a place for contemplation as well as congregation.  We open the garden in July when it hits its stride, as the sun displays its many facets and make it sparkles like a green diamond.

Come and explore. You can only get lost if you want to!

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